Breast cancer is the commonest cancer affecting women. But can it affect men? The answer to this is, yes it can. But why don’t we talk about this enough?
Breast cancer is less common in men. It represents less than 1% of all cancers in men, and less than 1% of breast cancers. In the UK, we see roughly 390 new cases per year, with a life risk of 1:870. Compare this to 55,000 new cases of female breast cancer per year in the UK, with a lifetime risk of 1 in 8, the incidence is comparatively low.
That is why we don’t talk about it very much. Awareness is lacking in the general population and sowe need to put it out there and discuss it more openly.
In this episode talk about breast cancer in men, in some detail.
The areas I cover include:
- What are the risk factors of male breast cancer?
- How does it present?
- How do we investigate the breast symptoms?
- How do we treat male breast cancer?
If you want to learn about male breast cancer, then this is the episode to listen to.
Some resources you may find helpful include:
Male breast cancer from Breast Cancer Now
Male breast cancer – Macmillan
Male breast cancer – breast
Male breast cancer – male breast
If you want to READ more about male breast cancer, then you can check out my blog post.
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